DEUDA / DEBT James Moss
Permission to publish from Archivo Nacional de Cuba
University of Galway
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Archivo Nacional de Cuba
Tribunal de Comercio
DEUDA / DEBT James Moss
Donde Samuel Godwin como apoderado de James Moss contra Lázaro de Chávez.
Where Samuel Godwin as attorney for James Moss against Lázaro de Chávez.
Samuel Godwin como apoderado de James Moss contra Lázaro de Chávez.
En la ciudad de la Habana en diez y nueve de Julio de mil ochocientos tres, estando en audiencia pública los Señores Prior y Cónsules, concurrieron en ella Samuel Godwin natural de Irlanda y avecindado con carta de naturalización en esta Plaza, como apoderado de James Moss, residente en la nueva provincia y de Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano como apoderado particular del caso comisario de Guerra, honorario de Lázaro de Chávez, a quien demandó el primero sobre que le pague la cantidad de ciento treinta y seis mil pesos a que constituye según el documento que firmado de su puño exhibe para que reconocido ritualmente se agregue a continuación e igualmente la cuenta corriente que manda…
…la procedencia a este escrito y también las protestas hechas de la libranza pirada por el citado Lázaro a la ciudad de Londres cuyo documento están en dialecto inglés y por lo tanto pide que traducido al castellano por el intérprete de este tribunal se le devuelvan los originales en cuyo estado y queriendo Pilar en uso de su poder proceder a la contratación de la demanda de suspendidos hasta tanto que el mencionado Lázaro practique por sí mismo el reconocimiento solicitado por el actor pues siendo un acto juramento personal no debía ni podía transmitirse en ningún, comitente, en cuyas circunstancia dispusieron sus Señores, pasaré yo el instranscrito escribano a la morada de Lázaro para que evacuando a que acto concurriesen las partes al tribunal en la primera audiencia [...]…
… el juicio de demanda a su respectiva contestación, lo plasmaron las partes y sus Señores rectificaron de que doy fe.
James Godwin
Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano
Ante mí
En la ciudad de la Habana en veinte y uno de Julio a mil ochocientos tres pase a la casa de la morada del comisario de Guerra, honorario Lázaro Chávez y su conformidad del mandad le recibí juramento que lo hizo por Dios y la Cruz de su [...] palabra de honor prometo se dijo verdad y [...] le puedo documentar que se a continuación en esta diligencia exhibidas por el actor en su anterior diligencia después de haberle reconocido puntualmente
Contexto: Una de las firmas que lo valoran es a puño y letra del declarante dada a repetida intensiva del que interroga, y del verdadero deudor obligado y causante Juan Luis de la Cueta, contra Giya firma hizo entonces, y ahora hace exclamaciones por el perjuicio que pudiera inferirle que los mismos interesados lo hicieron políticamente violencia que nada aventuraban en firmar, a lo que le instaba para satisfacer a Moss de Providencia y finalmente el de Juan Luis de la [...], le añadió él ningún peligro a que se disponía el declarante en firmar unos documentos puramente ceremoniales, y en nada grabaron bajo cuya buena fe firmó sin que le leyeran lo que firmaba, lo que ejecuta ahora y pues es instruido de citas fielmente escrita y arreglada a su derecho esta declaración este que doy fe.
Lázaro Chávez
Ante mí
Nota: Que agregó a continuación el documento reconocido por la posterior diligencia.
Conste por este documento que nos lo avisó firme y no obligamos a colocar fondos en Inglaterra para extinguir la cantidad de treinta y seis mil libras esterlinas. Ascienden las letras que hemos dado a Samuel Godwin apoderado de James Moss de Providencia, en pago de negros que han venido a nuestra consignación y nos obligamos a dicho Godwin, a hacer dichas remesas en tiempos oportunos para recoger dichas letras a su conocimiento, lo que le haremos constar oportunamente y nos sometemos a que pueda competernos al cumplimiento con nuestras personas y bienes. Habana y enero 7 de 1803
Juan Luis de la Cuesta
Lázaro Chávez
Julio 21 e 1803
Respecto a [...]* el reconocimiento de Lázaro Chávez, tradúzcame los demás documentos a que se ocurra el verbal de la [...] primera por el intérprete del tribunal y con currar las partes en la inmediata audiencia mandaron los diez prior y cónsules que lo firmaron.
Ante mí Arregui
Ante mí
Francisco Betancourt.
En la Habana en dicho día pase a la morada de Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano y compañía apoderado de Lázaro Chávez le intimida el derecho que le antecede. Doy fe.
En el mismo día, mes y año pasé…
… a la morada de Samuel Godwin y le hice igual notificación. Doy fe.
En dicho día, mes y año pase a la morada del intérprete y le entere de la traducción que se le manda a hacer y doy fe.
Que [...] a continuar los documentos originales, sus respectivas traducciones practicadas por el Juez. Habana julio 22 de 1803.
Havana June 1803
At eighteen months sight of [...] first of exchange second and third of the same tenor and date not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuerta or order one ´thousand one hundred fifty pounds Sterling* value in account and charge the same with or without further advice to.
Alex [...] Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Endorse John de la Cuerta, pay the within to John Shaw [...]
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1850.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1750.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1650.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1500.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1700.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1600.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1500.
On the sixteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and three, at the request of Mep: French Barnes of London Merchants.
P. Benjamin Newton, Notary Public.
By lawful authority admitted and sworn drivelling in London went with the eight original afore [...] * and described, Bells of Exchange to the counting house of Meps. Alea, Henry M. Upon whom the same are [...] and there exhibiting the said bills to a clerk of demanded acceptance thereof whereunto he answered that the said eight bills of exchange came to be accepted at present.
Therefore the said Notary at the request aforesaid did and by these presents protest as well against the drawer of the said bills as all other whom it doth or may concern for Exchange and Exchange. Cost damage and interest suffered and to be suffered for want of acceptance off the said eight bills of exchange. This protested in the presence of Joseph and Henry Newton.
In testimony
Benjamin Newton.
Havana 4 January 1803
Exchange for 1050 Sterling
At eighteen months' sights of this first exchange, second and third of the same tenor and date, not paid, pay to John Pomas Sterling, value in account and charge the same with or without further notice advice to.
Alex Henry
Merchants of London Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Endorse pay to contents to Merchants Willis L. Hodgson or order John Luis de la Cuerta
On the twenty second day of March one thousand eight hundred and three, at the request of Mep: French Barnes of London Merchants.
P. Benjamin Newton, Notary Public.
By lawful authority admitted and sworn driving in London went with the eight original [...] * and described, Bells of Exchange to the counting house of Meps. Alea, Henry M. Upon whom the same are [...] and there exhibiting the said bills to a clerk of demanded acceptance thereof whereunto he answered that the said eight bills of exchange will not be accepted.
Therefore the said Notary at the request aforesaid did and by these presents protest as well against the drawer of the said bills as all other whom it doth or may concern for Exchange and Reexchange. Cost damage and interest suffered and to be suffered for want of acceptance of the said eight bills of exchange. This protested in the presence of Joseph and Henry Newton.
In testimony Verities*
Benjamin Newton
Havana 4 January 1803
Exchange for 1200 Sterling.
At nine months sight of this first of Exchange second and third off the same tenor and date not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuerta or Order one thousand two hundred pounds sterlings value in account and exchange the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Pay the contents to Merchants Ackens Grundy or Order John de la Cuerta.
Havana 4th January 1803
Exchange of 1050 sterling
At eighteen sights of this first of Exchange, second and third of the same tenor and acute not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuerta or Order eight hundred fifty pounds sterling, value in account and change the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Pay the within contents to Merchants Ackens Grundy or Order
John Luis de la Cuerta
On the this day the twenty first March one thousand eight hundred and three, at the request of William Bird of London Merchant, bearer of the two original Bills of Exchange whereof a true copy is on the either side written: John Mitchell of London, Notary Public By Royal authority admitted and sworn did exhibit the two bills unto Alexander Henry Partner in the house of Alexander Henry and Company Merchants without this city on whom the same are [...] and demanded acceptance thereof whereunto he answered this bills will not be accepted.
Therefore the said Notary at the request aforesaid did and by these presents protest as well against the drawer of the said bills as all other whom it doth or may concern for Exchange and Reexchange. Cost damage and interest suffered and to be suffered for want of acceptance off the said eight bills of exchange. This protested in the presence of James Ball and John Hurgar, Witnesses.
In testimony Verities*
John Mitchell. Notary Public
Havana 4th January 1803
Exchange of 1350 Sterling
At nine months sights of this first of Exchange second and third of the same tenor and date, not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuesta or order one thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, value in account, and charge the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chávez
Endorsed, John Luis e la Cuerta. Pay the within to the Merchants [...]
On the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three, before me William Duff Notary Public duly admitted and sworn dwelling in London appeared Alexander Henry and Company of this city merchants the Drawers and present Holders of the original bill of Exchange whereof the foregoing is a copy, who producing unto me the said Notary the said original bill declared that the said appeasers requires of me the said Notary to protest in manner following whereupon the...
... said notary at the request aforesaid have protested and by these presents do solemnly protest against the drawer and the Indoors of the said bill and all others concerned for Exchange, re-exchange and all costs damages interest and charges already incurred and to be hereafter incurred for want of acceptance of the said bill. This done and protested at London aforesaid in the presence of William Spain and John Irving, witnesses.
In testimony verities
William Duff
Notary Public
Havana 4th January 1803
Exchange for 2150 Sterling
At nine months sights of this first of Exchange second and third of the same tenor and date, not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuesta or order one thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, value in account, and charge the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Pay the contents to Superior Ralph Abrams Morales.
John de la Cuerta
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1900. One thousand nine hundred pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1100. One thousand one hundred pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1100. One thousand one hundred pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1000. One thousand pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $2150. Two thousand one hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1450. One thousand four hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1350. One thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1250. One thousand two hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
Samuel Godwin como apoderado de James Moss contra Lázaro de Chávez.
En la ciudad de la Habana en diez y nueve de Julio de mil ochocientos tres, estando en audiencia pública los Señores Prior y Cónsules, concurrieron en ella Samuel Godwin natural de Irlanda y avecindado con carta de naturalización en esta Plaza, como apoderado de James Moss, residente en la nueva provincia y de Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano como apoderado particular del caso comisario de Guerra, honorario de Lázaro de Chávez, a quien demandó el primero sobre que le pague la cantidad de ciento treinta y seis mil pesos a que constituye según el documento que firmado de su puño exhibe para que reconocido ritualmente se agregue a continuación e igualmente la cuenta corriente que manda…
…la procedencia a este escrito y también las protestas hechas de la libranza pirada por el citado Lázaro a la ciudad de Londres cuyo documento están en dialecto inglés y por lo tanto pide que traducido al castellano por el intérprete de este tribunal se le devuelvan los originales en cuyo estado y queriendo Pilar en uso de su poder proceder a la contratación de la demanda de suspendidos hasta tanto que el mencionado Lázaro practique por sí mismo el reconocimiento solicitado por el actor pues siendo un acto juramento personal no debía ni podía transmitirse en ningún, comitente, en cuyas circunstancia dispusieron sus Señores, pasaré yo el instranscrito escribano a la morada de Lázaro para que evacuando a que acto concurriesen las partes al tribunal en la primera audiencia [...]…
… el juicio de demanda a su respectiva contestación, lo plasmaron las partes y sus Señores rectificaron de que doy fe.
James Godwin
Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano
Ante mí
En la ciudad de la Habana en veinte y uno de Julio a mil ochocientos tres pase a la casa de la morada del comisario de Guerra, honorario Lázaro Chávez y su conformidad del mandad le recibí juramento que lo hizo por Dios y la Cruz de su [...] palabra de honor prometo se dijo verdad y [...] le puedo documentar que se a continuación en esta diligencia exhibidas por el actor en su anterior diligencia después de haberle reconocido puntualmente
Contexto: Una de las firmas que lo valoran es a puño y letra del declarante dada a repetida intensiva del que interroga, y del verdadero deudor obligado y causante Juan Luis de la Cueta, contra Giya firma hizo entonces, y ahora hace exclamaciones por el perjuicio que pudiera inferirle que los mismos interesados lo hicieron políticamente violencia que nada aventuraban en firmar, a lo que le instaba para satisfacer a Moss de Providencia y finalmente el de Juan Luis de la [...], le añadió él ningún peligro a que se disponía el declarante en firmar unos documentos puramente ceremoniales, y en nada grabaron bajo cuya buena fe firmó sin que le leyeran lo que firmaba, lo que ejecuta ahora y pues es instruido de citas fielmente escrita y arreglada a su derecho esta declaración este que doy fe.
Lázaro Chávez
Ante mí
Nota: Que agregó a continuación el documento reconocido por la posterior diligencia.
Conste por este documento que nos lo avisó firme y no obligamos a colocar fondos en Inglaterra para extinguir la cantidad de treinta y seis mil libras esterlinas. Ascienden las letras que hemos dado a Samuel Godwin apoderado de James Moss de Providencia, en pago de negros que han venido a nuestra consignación y nos obligamos a dicho Godwin, a hacer dichas remesas en tiempos oportunos para recoger dichas letras a su conocimiento, lo que le haremos constar oportunamente y nos sometemos a que pueda competernos al cumplimiento con nuestras personas y bienes. Habana y enero 7 de 1803
Juan Luis de la Cuesta
Lázaro Chávez
Julio 21 e 1803
Respecto a [...]* el reconocimiento de Lázaro Chávez, tradúzcame los demás documentos a que se ocurra el verbal de la [...] primera por el intérprete del tribunal y con currar las partes en la inmediata audiencia mandaron los diez prior y cónsules que lo firmaron.
Ante mí Arregui
Ante mí
Francisco Betancourt.
En la Habana en dicho día pase a la morada de Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano y compañía apoderado de Lázaro Chávez le intimida el derecho que le antecede. Doy fe.
En el mismo día, mes y año pasé…
… a la morada de Samuel Godwin y le hice igual notificación. Doy fe.
En dicho día, mes y año pase a la morada del intérprete y le entere de la traducción que se le manda a hacer y doy fe.
Que [...] a continuar los documentos originales, sus respectivas traducciones practicadas por el Juez. Habana julio 22 de 1803.
Havana June 1803
At eighteen months sight of [...] first of exchange second and third of the same tenor and date not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuerta or order one ´thousand one hundred fifty pounds Sterling* value in account and charge the same with or without further advice to.
Alex [...] Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Endorse John de la Cuerta, pay the within to John Shaw [...]
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1850.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1750.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1650.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1500.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1700.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1600.
On the other bell of exchange of the same tenor and date [...] advised exactly the same on the above for the sum of $1500.
On the sixteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and three, at the request of Mep: French Barnes of London Merchants.
P. Benjamin Newton, Notary Public.
By lawful authority admitted and sworn drivelling in London went with the eight original afore [...] * and described, Bells of Exchange to the counting house of Meps. Alea, Henry M. Upon whom the same are [...] and there exhibiting the said bills to a clerk of demanded acceptance thereof whereunto he answered that the said eight bills of exchange came to be accepted at present.
Therefore the said Notary at the request aforesaid did and by these presents protest as well against the drawer of the said bills as all other whom it doth or may concern for Exchange and Exchange. Cost damage and interest suffered and to be suffered for want of acceptance off the said eight bills of exchange. This protested in the presence of Joseph and Henry Newton.
In testimony
Benjamin Newton.
Havana 4 January 1803
Exchange for 1050 Sterling
At eighteen months' sights of this first exchange, second and third of the same tenor and date, not paid, pay to John Pomas Sterling, value in account and charge the same with or without further notice advice to.
Alex Henry
Merchants of London Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Endorse pay to contents to Merchants Willis L. Hodgson or order John Luis de la Cuerta
On the twenty second day of March one thousand eight hundred and three, at the request of Mep: French Barnes of London Merchants.
P. Benjamin Newton, Notary Public.
By lawful authority admitted and sworn driving in London went with the eight original [...] * and described, Bells of Exchange to the counting house of Meps. Alea, Henry M. Upon whom the same are [...] and there exhibiting the said bills to a clerk of demanded acceptance thereof whereunto he answered that the said eight bills of exchange will not be accepted.
Therefore the said Notary at the request aforesaid did and by these presents protest as well against the drawer of the said bills as all other whom it doth or may concern for Exchange and Reexchange. Cost damage and interest suffered and to be suffered for want of acceptance of the said eight bills of exchange. This protested in the presence of Joseph and Henry Newton.
In testimony Verities*
Benjamin Newton
Havana 4 January 1803
Exchange for 1200 Sterling.
At nine months sight of this first of Exchange second and third off the same tenor and date not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuerta or Order one thousand two hundred pounds sterlings value in account and exchange the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Pay the contents to Merchants Ackens Grundy or Order John de la Cuerta.
Havana 4th January 1803
Exchange of 1050 sterling
At eighteen sights of this first of Exchange, second and third of the same tenor and acute not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuerta or Order eight hundred fifty pounds sterling, value in account and change the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Pay the within contents to Merchants Ackens Grundy or Order
John Luis de la Cuerta
On the this day the twenty first March one thousand eight hundred and three, at the request of William Bird of London Merchant, bearer of the two original Bills of Exchange whereof a true copy is on the either side written: John Mitchell of London, Notary Public By Royal authority admitted and sworn did exhibit the two bills unto Alexander Henry Partner in the house of Alexander Henry and Company Merchants without this city on whom the same are [...] and demanded acceptance thereof whereunto he answered this bills will not be accepted.
Therefore the said Notary at the request aforesaid did and by these presents protest as well against the drawer of the said bills as all other whom it doth or may concern for Exchange and Reexchange. Cost damage and interest suffered and to be suffered for want of acceptance off the said eight bills of exchange. This protested in the presence of James Ball and John Hurgar, Witnesses.
In testimony Verities*
John Mitchell. Notary Public
Havana 4th January 1803
Exchange of 1350 Sterling
At nine months sights of this first of Exchange second and third of the same tenor and date, not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuesta or order one thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, value in account, and charge the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chávez
Endorsed, John Luis e la Cuerta. Pay the within to the Merchants [...]
On the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three, before me William Duff Notary Public duly admitted and sworn dwelling in London appeared Alexander Henry and Company of this city merchants the Drawers and present Holders of the original bill of Exchange whereof the foregoing is a copy, who producing unto me the said Notary the said original bill declared that the said appeasers requires of me the said Notary to protest in manner following whereupon the...
... said notary at the request aforesaid have protested and by these presents do solemnly protest against the drawer and the Indoors of the said bill and all others concerned for Exchange, re-exchange and all costs damages interest and charges already incurred and to be hereafter incurred for want of acceptance of the said bill. This done and protested at London aforesaid in the presence of William Spain and John Irving, witnesses.
In testimony verities
William Duff
Notary Public
Havana 4th January 1803
Exchange for 2150 Sterling
At nine months sights of this first of Exchange second and third of the same tenor and date, not paid, pay to John Luis de la Cuesta or order one thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, value in account, and charge the same with or without further advice to.
Your humble servant
Lázaro Chavez
Pay the contents to Superior Ralph Abrams Morales.
John de la Cuerta
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1900. One thousand nine hundred pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1100. One thousand one hundred pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1100. One thousand one hundred pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1000. One thousand pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $2150. Two thousand one hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1450. One thousand four hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1350. One thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
One other just bill of exchange of the same date for $1250. One thousand two hundred and fifty pounds Sterling and endorsed as above.
Spanish, English
9 de julio de 1803. Habana. los Señores Prior y Cónsules, concurrieron en audiencia pública a Samuel Godwin natural de Irlanda como apoderado de James Moss, a Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano como apoderado particular del comisario de Guerra, honorario de Lázaro de Chávez, a quien demandó el primero para que le pague la cantidad de 136,000 pesos. La libranza pirada por el citado Lázaro a la ciudad de Londres está en dialecto Ingles y por lo que pide que sea traducido al castellano por el intérprete de este tribunal y se le devuelvan los originales en estado.
7 enero de 1803. Habana. Conste por este documento que no obligamos a colocar fondos en Inglaterra para extinguir la cantidad de 36,000 libras esterlinas. Ascienden las letras que hemos dado a Godwin apoderado de James Moss de Providencia, en pago de negros que han venido a nuestra consignación y nos obligamos a dicho Godwin, a hacer dichas remesas en tiempos oportunos para recoger dichas letras a su conocimiento.
Habana julio 22 de 1803. A continuación, los documentos originales.
7 enero de 1803. Habana. Conste por este documento que no obligamos a colocar fondos en Inglaterra para extinguir la cantidad de 36,000 libras esterlinas. Ascienden las letras que hemos dado a Godwin apoderado de James Moss de Providencia, en pago de negros que han venido a nuestra consignación y nos obligamos a dicho Godwin, a hacer dichas remesas en tiempos oportunos para recoger dichas letras a su conocimiento.
Habana julio 22 de 1803. A continuación, los documentos originales.
July 9, 1803. Havana. Messrs. Priors and Consuls attended a public audience with Samuel Godwin, a native of Ireland, as proxy for James Moss, and Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano as private proxy for the honorary war commissioner Lázaro de Chávez, who was sued by the former to pay the amount of 136,000 pesos. The warrant issued by de Chávez in the city of London is in English. He requests that it be translated into Spanish by the interpreter of this court and that the originals be returned to him in good condition.
January 7, 1803. Havana. It is hereby stated that we do not oblige to place funds in England to extinguish the amount of 36,000 Pounds Sterling. The bills that we have given to Godwin in charge of James Moss of Providence, in payment of blacks who have come to our consignment, and we oblige said Godwin, to make said remittances in opportune times to collect said bills to his knowledge.
Havana July 22, 1803. Below are the original documents.
January 7, 1803. Havana. It is hereby stated that we do not oblige to place funds in England to extinguish the amount of 36,000 Pounds Sterling. The bills that we have given to Godwin in charge of James Moss of Providence, in payment of blacks who have come to our consignment, and we oblige said Godwin, to make said remittances in opportune times to collect said bills to his knowledge.
Havana July 22, 1803. Below are the original documents.
List of contributors
Cuba-Ireland Digital Archive
Margaret Brehony
Giselle García González
Cristián Sánchez González
Mercedes Varona
Teddy Varona
Messrs. Priors and Consuls
Samuel Godwin
James Moss
Juan Manuel del Pilar y Manzano
Lázaro de Chávez
James Moss
City of London, Great Britain
La Habana, Cuba
New Providence, Bahamas.