The University Mace / An Más Ollscoile
The University Mace / An Más Ollscoile
A metal staff with a highly ornamented head, and a closeup of that head
This is the University Mace, a symbol of the corporate authority of the institution. (Originally, a mace was a type of cudgel or early battle implement, but later evolved in decorative form to become a symbol of royal authority and was then extended to become a symbol of authority in the realm of civic and public bodies, including Universities.) Our Mace is carried and displayed at ceremonial occasions and in particular at all Degree Conferring ceremonies. It is delicately engraved with winding stalks, roses, thistles, shamrocks and the English royal insignia, Engraved on shields on the head are, on one side, the Arms of Queen's College, Galway, surmounted by the motto 'Deo Favente', and, on the opposite side, the inscription 'Queen's College GALWAY. FOUNDED MDCCCXLV'. The Mace is about 5ft in length and weighs about 200 ounces.
It was acquired by the Council of Queen's College, Galway in 1877: at its Meeting of 6 June 1877, 'The estimate of Mr West of Dublin for supplying a Mace to the Corporate Body at a cost of £110 being fully considered, it was resolved to accept it - Professor Thompson alone dissenting'. The following day, the Bursar, Prof. George Johnston Allman, wrote to Messrs West & Son, confirming the College's wish to have a ceremonial silver mace manufactured and delivered before August 1 in preparation for the visit to the College of the Lord Lieutenant, The Duke of Marlborough, and informing them that their proposal to make a silver mace for £110 had been accepted. Finally, at the Council's Meeting of 9 August 1877, 'Bursar was directed to pay the account due to Mr West of College Green for the Mace lately supplied to the College: £110'. The Mace was, as intended, brought into use for the first time in August 1877 when it was laid at the feet of the Lord Lieutenant on the occasion of his visit to the College. An address of welcome was presented to him in the Aula Maxima by members of the College Council.
It was acquired by the Council of Queen's College, Galway in 1877: at its Meeting of 6 June 1877, 'The estimate of Mr West of Dublin for supplying a Mace to the Corporate Body at a cost of £110 being fully considered, it was resolved to accept it - Professor Thompson alone dissenting'. The following day, the Bursar, Prof. George Johnston Allman, wrote to Messrs West & Son, confirming the College's wish to have a ceremonial silver mace manufactured and delivered before August 1 in preparation for the visit to the College of the Lord Lieutenant, The Duke of Marlborough, and informing them that their proposal to make a silver mace for £110 had been accepted. Finally, at the Council's Meeting of 9 August 1877, 'Bursar was directed to pay the account due to Mr West of College Green for the Mace lately supplied to the College: £110'. The Mace was, as intended, brought into use for the first time in August 1877 when it was laid at the feet of the Lord Lieutenant on the occasion of his visit to the College. An address of welcome was presented to him in the Aula Maxima by members of the College Council.
Christy Townley, 'The Mace' in Cois Coiribe (UCG Magazine for UCG Graduates), 1994.
Christy Townley, 'The Galway College Mace', in NUACHT (internal UCG newsletter), Imleabhar 3, Uimhir 3, Nollaig 1979.
QCG Council Minutes, accessed by S. Mac Mathúna
Christy Townley, 'The Galway College Mace', in NUACHT (internal UCG newsletter), Imleabhar 3, Uimhir 3, Nollaig 1979.
QCG Council Minutes, accessed by S. Mac Mathúna
Bibliographic Citation
C. Walsh, S. Mac Mathúna, 'The University Mace / An Más Ollscoile', Visual History Retired Staff Collection, University of Galway Digital Collections, Asset Id 14623, Archival Record Id VHR
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English and Latin
University of Galway Library
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The Library, University of Galway