Dántaí / Poems
An tEarrach Thiar / Spring in the West
Fear ag glanadh cré A man scraping clay
De ghimseán spáide from the tread of a spade
Sa gciúnas séimh in the mild calm
I mbrothall lae: of a warm day:
Binn an fhuaim sweet is the sound
San Earrach thiar. of Spring in the west.
Fear ag caitheamh A man slinging
Cliabh dá dhroim, a creel from his back,
Is an fheamainn dhearg the red seaweed
Ag lonrú glittering
I dtaitneamh gréine in the light
Ar dhuirling bhán: on a stone beach:
Niamhrach an radharc beautiful the sight
San Earrach thiar. of Spring in the west.
Mná i locháin Women standing,
In íochtar díthrá, their coats tucked up,
A gcótaí craptha, the ebbtide pools
Scáilí thíos fúthú: like mirrors beneath them:
Támhradharc sítheach the peaceful sight
San Earrach thiar. of Spring in the west.
Tollbhuillí fanna The hollow beat
Ag maidí rámha, of oar strokes
Currach lán éisc a currach full of fish
Ag teacht chun cladaigh coming into shore
Ar órmhuir mhall on a still gold sea
I ndeireadh lae at the end of the day:
San Earrach thiar. Spring in the west.
[Translation by Peter Sirr]
Dínit an Bhróin / The Dignity of Grief
Nochtaíodh domsa tráth I saw once
Dínit mhór an bhróin, the great dignity of grief:
Ar fheiceáil dom beirt bhan two women
Ag siúl amach ó shlua walking out from the crowd
I bhfeisteas caointe dubh in black mourning clothes,
Gan focal astu beirt: neither speaking a word.
D’imigh an dínit leo Dignity followed them
Ón slua callánach mór. from the clamour of the crowd.
Bhí freastalán istigh There was a tender
Ó línéar ar an ród, docked from a liner at anchor,
Fuadar faoi gach n-aon, the crowd bustling around it,
Gleo ann is caint ard; pushing and shoving, talking loudly.
Ach an bheirt a bhí ina dtost, But the women were silent
A shiúil amach leo féin who had walked out on their own
I bhfeisteas caointe dubh, in their black mourning clothes
D’imigh an dínit leo. and dignity left with them.
[Translation by Peter Sirr]
[Translation by Peter Sirr]
ODPUSŤ / Maith Dhom
Byl jsem včera večer sám
a seděl na břehu moře,
obloha byla bez mráčku
a moře i souš tak klidné.
Důstojný stín tvé krásy
zazářil na plátně myšlenek
jak poslední záblesk lásky,
jež zdála se už věky mrtvou.
Něžně jsem zavolal tvé jméno,
jak jsem to míval ve zvyku,
ale dostalo se mi jen vyplašeného
křiku ptáka samotáře na pobřeží.
Odpusť, jestli sis nepřála
být mi nablízku ani jako milovaný stín,
ale obloha byla bez mráčku
a moře i souš tak klidné.
[Aistrithe go Seicis ag Daniela Theinová] [Translated to Czech by Daniela Theinová]
Omul care a aruncat cenusă aprinsă
Peste grădină
Nu știa cine-a făcut astfel prima oară;
Dar a împlinit dictatul unei tradiții
A clanului
Tuturor lucrătorilor pă mâ ntului
Din India pînă-n Sruthán.
[Aistrithe go Romáinis ag Christian Tămaș] [Translated to Romanian by Christian Tămaș]
Jadis nos pères
Ainsi que leurs pères
Luttaient pour la vie
Ils s’acharnaient contre le rocher nu.
Ils étaient joyeux
Quand ils connaissaient
La bonté douce de la terre,
Et ils étaient tenaces
À maîtriser
Les forces de la nature.
[Aistrithe go Fraincis ag Éamon Ó Ciosáin] [Translated to French by Éamon Ó Ciosáin]
TREC'H AR MOR / Bua na Mara
Ne chomo deus ar baotred veur
En enezenn guzh ken,
War ar grouan ne chomo den
Da hegañ ar mor;
Ar c'herreg avelek-hont
Diouzh ar more a sento,
D'e c'halloud glas kañvus
Kan a raio e gantik trec'h
Setu tremeniad an enez kuzh.
[Aistrithe go Briotáinis ag Éamon Ó Ciosáin agus Yann-Fanch Kemener] [Translated to Breton by Éamon Ó Ciosáin and Yann-Fanch Kemener]