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Máirtín Ó Direáin - Fathach File / Reluctant Modernist

Notes on Eugene O'Neill by Arthur Shields.



Notes on Eugene O'Neill by Arthur Shields.




25 April 1961


Notes on Eugene O'Neill by Arthur Shields. Shields describes his experiences of first meeting O'Neill in 1947 having been asked to direct the Theatre Guild's production of 'Moon of the Misbegotten'. Shields writes 'I have no definite recollection of the actual things he said that first day but after we had been together for about two hours I got the impression that I would have the help of someone friendly.' He goes on 'I don't know how familiar you are with the circumstances of the closing of the play in Detroit. I expected the Guild to fight that kind of censorship and was surprised when word came that the police lieutenant would be allowed to dictate what could be said....the whole episode was so distasteful that the following morning I left Detroit for the coast.' End note reads 'Above released to Mr. Louis Sheaffer, 5 Montague Terrace, Brooklyn Heights, N.Y.




Arthur Shields