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Máirtín Ó Direáin - Fathach File / Reluctant Modernist

An Cheathrú Rua Theas



An Cheathrú Rua Theas


Set of index cards detailing some of the local features of the townland of An Cheathrú Rua Theas, [Carrowroe South]. A brief note on secondary sources, including Griffith's Valuation, Simington, and Mackenzie's 18th century maritime survey map. A note on Fr. Conroy, the local curate in Carraroe and Lettermullen at the turn of the 20th century. Fr. Conroy wrote several pieces for the Freeman's Journal on evictions in the Kirwan Estate. A note on the Old Barracks, the first slated building in the area, built in 1842, where Bob Quinn made his film 'Poitín'. Tigh Nan Dooley, a day centre for severly mentally handicapped childrenm which was founded in 1977. Other local features described include Loch Scailp Dhónail, Cloch an tSeóil, Clochar an tSagairt (marking the grave of local curate Fr. Roche, and the story of how he died), Loch na gCaisle, Trá an Dóilín, An Meall Mór, Bóthar an Dóilín, Lochán Láibe, Crompán Chloch Chormaic, An Charraig Mhóir, Cnocán na mBáirneach, Poll na nGabhar, An Léana Fionn (a former soup kitchen), Loch na Mionnán, An Ing Chaol, Na Muiltíní, An Meall Glas, Trá an Ghlasoileáin, Caladh na Teorann, Barr na Cora, Céibhín na Mine, An Crompán Sliogánach, Crompán an Fhir Bháite, Céibh an Dóilín, Caladh Mhaide, Caladh an Uisce, Caladh na Móna, Tobairín an Mhulláin (local people visit the well to get a sign about the wellbeing of loved ones abroad), An Meall Mór, An Brocha, Crompán Johnny, Crompán na mBád, Carraig Úna, Gob na hAille Oibhéala, An Crompán Mór, Na Caisle, Baile na Ronna, An Droighne, Cora na Ronna, Caladh na Teorann, Óstán Cheathrú Rua, an Bóthar Buí, agus Trá na bPáistí. Several people are credited as being sources of information, including Máirtín J. Ó'Connor, Laillí de Buitléar, Peadair Tommy, and Matt O'Donall.
An Cheathrú Rua Theas.




ead-unitid: p120_1_10_2


Tim Robinson


detailing--Carrowroe--secondary--including--Griffiths--Valuation--Simington--Mackenzies--Lettermullen--Freemans--evictions--Barracks--Poitn--handicapped--childrenm--described--Chormaic--mBirneach--kitchen--Muiltn--Ghlasoilein--Sliognach--wellbeing--Oibhala--Droighne--information--including--Connor--Buitlar--ODonall--Kilcummin Civil Parish Pariste an Chnoic and Pariste an Spidal Roman Catholic Parishes