Páipéir Ghiolla Criost Uí Bhroin / Papers of Giolla Criost Ó Broin
Páipéir Ghiolla Criost Uí Bhroin / Papers of Giolla Criost Ó Broin
Baineann an tsraith seo le páipéir Ghiolla Chríost Uí Bhroin. Christopher a tugadh air nuair a rugadh é, ach thug sé an t-ainm Giolla Chríost air féin nuair a chuaigh sé isteach i gConradh na Gaeilge in 1893/94. Fuair sé post le CnaG in 1908 mar eagraí don Mhí, an Iarmhí, an Cabhán agus Longfort; bhí sé páirteach i gcomórtais amhránaíochta, damhsa agus drámaíochta an Oireachtais agus d’eagraigh sé go leor féilte agus ceolchoirmeacha. Bhí sé ina rúnaí ar Choiste Ceantair Bhaile Átha Cliath an Chonartha sna 1920í, ina mhúinteoir san Ard-Chraobh ó na 1920í go dtí na 1950í agus ina uachtarán ar an Oireachtas in 1958. Stóráladh a chuid páipéar i gcás leathair a raibh ceannlitreacha a ainm greanta air agus is é a bhí ann go príomha ná lámhscríbhinní agus scríbhinní clóscríofa, a n-áirítear leis roinnt dá chuid drámaí féin mar aon le nodaireacht cheoil.
This series relates to the papers of Giolla Críost Ó Broin. Ó Broin, born Christopher, gave himself the name Giolla Críost, and was a member of CnaG from 1893/4. In 1908 he got a job with CnaG as an organiser for Meath, Westmeath, Cavan and Longford; he entered Oireachtas competitions in singing, dancing and drama and organised many outdoor festivals and concerts. He was secretary for the Dublin District council of Conradh in the 1920s, taught in the Ard Craobh from 1920s to 1950s, and became president of the Oireachtas in 1958. His papers were stored in a leather suitcase branded with his initials and consisted primarily of handwritten and typed scripts including some plays of his own along with music notation.
This series relates to the papers of Giolla Críost Ó Broin. Ó Broin, born Christopher, gave himself the name Giolla Críost, and was a member of CnaG from 1893/4. In 1908 he got a job with CnaG as an organiser for Meath, Westmeath, Cavan and Longford; he entered Oireachtas competitions in singing, dancing and drama and organised many outdoor festivals and concerts. He was secretary for the Dublin District council of Conradh in the 1920s, taught in the Ard Craobh from 1920s to 1950s, and became president of the Oireachtas in 1958. His papers were stored in a leather suitcase branded with his initials and consisted primarily of handwritten and typed scripts including some plays of his own along with music notation.
NUI Galway Library Archives