Cuideachtaí Príobháideacha lena n-áirítear Comhlachtaí Státurraithe Príobháidithe / Private Companies including Privatised State-Sponsored Bodies
Cuideachtaí Príobháideacha lena n-áirítear Comhlachtaí Státurraithe Príobháidithe / Private Companies including Privatised State-Sponsored Bodies
Baineann an tsraith seo go príomha le cumarsáid idir CnaG agus cuideachtaí agus comhlachtaí príobháideacha éagsúla maidir leis an úsáid a bhaineann siad as an nGaeilge i gcaidreamh laethúil leis an bpobal i gcoitinne agus i bhfógráin á gcur féin chun cinn. Déantar é a fhoroinnt tuilleadh i gcás cuideachtaí agus is comhfhreagras agus samplaí is mó atá ann.
This series relates primarily to communication between CnaG and various private companies and bodies on the subject of their use of Irish in everyday dealings with the general public and in advertisements promoting themselves. It is further subdivided by companies and consists primarily of correspondence and samples.
This series relates primarily to communication between CnaG and various private companies and bodies on the subject of their use of Irish in everyday dealings with the general public and in advertisements promoting themselves. It is further subdivided by companies and consists primarily of correspondence and samples.
NUI Galway Library Archives